Here Is What Men Need To Know About Women

3 Min Read

By Blessing E. Moyo

This is no secret:
Women are emotional creatures. To de-complicate your confusion towards women it’s only done by connecting to their feelings, that your biggest data transfer cable.

Notice that whenever you ask a woman, “What do you think?” She will tell you what she feels about your idea. It’s not that women don’t use logic, just that their emotions are connected to everything.

Be in touch with your emotions, you will get along too well, however, don’t be a whimper.

Men should learn to listen. Within every woman, there is a gentle voice that yearns to be heard; all women’s ideas are attached to an emotion.

Listening to a woman( in terms of a woman’s dictionary) is a sign of care and love, however, be careful of pretending to listen. Women can spot you easily if you are pretending.

Sometimes a woman wants you to listen to the problem not necessarily to solve her problem. Sometimes she just wants to offload her worries and the more she talks the more she releases her stress.

Women want to feel loved. While men neglect consistency at times, to a woman -consistency is a measure if she is still being loved. If you always made a phone call at 2100hrs every night and then skip one or two nights without making a call, she will think someone else has filled that void or probably you no longer love her. Consistency does not matter much to men but it matters to women. women want to be constantly reassured that you love them. Showing that you love them does not go out of fashion.

Whilst providing for the family is a measure of love in men but with women it is different. Spend quality time with your woman, it does not mean don’t go out with your fellow men to watch a football game during weekends but always slot in time with her. after all she is not in your house to keep it but in the house to enjoy it with you.

Even though being mature comes with responsibility, sometimes going out and acting like 16-year-olds will rekindle the fire. You may grow old together but love always grows younger. ( Like adults you have to go outskirts not to be seen lingering in the CBD)

All a woman needs is going beyond affection, if women were in politics I would need affection to win an election.

Never forget anniversaries and birthdays, that would be emotionless of you in the women’s dictionary.

(Heart Chronicles)

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