From Humble Beginnings To Running A Flourishing Agribusiness: The Emergence of the AgroKing

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Born Partson Zindi in the rural areas of Seke, he defined the odds and set up a vibrant agribusiness. A young 27-year-old man, commonly known as AgroKing by the community.

Partson was raised by a widow from farming vegetables. Growing up was a struggle but he strived all the way from the rural set up till he reached the tertiary educational level at Midlands State University. At the institution, poverty made him think of ways to supplement the very little pocket money he was receiving from her mom, that’s when the entrepreneurship journey began.

While on attachment in 2017, Partson raised funds with his friends and opened a Hair Mart in Harare. They would acquire weaves and cosmetics from Zambia and sell them profitably. The company collapsed for a variety of reasons.

In 2018, Partson had completed his attachment and was returning to the university. He didn’t give up easily, so he rallied some friends and created a food caravan business. Typhoid began to spread in the town of Gweru, and all food caravans were prohibited.

Upon graduating in 2019, as someone who has always dreaded working for someone, he then went to his rural area and planted half a hectare of potatoes but all didn’t end well as drought ravaged all his plant and he lost his investment.

In September 2019, he learned that Profeeds was offering reasonably priced piglets from Colcom Zimbabwe through a friend who worked there. Because of his passion for agribusiness, Partson earned the nickname “The AgroKing” from those who saw him searching for other partners from his university group. He purchased five piglets and promptly rallied his two friends.

They were temporarily housed in an old chicken structure while they were building a pig sty because they lacked a place to house them. The project appeared so promising that they registered AgroKings Pvt Ltd as their company name. They chose the moniker because they wanted their services and goods to be of a caliber appropriate for a royal setting.

AgroKings as of now with pork being their major line of business produces; +200 piglets annually from a +10 sow unit. They also produce 5-10 tonnes of Pork products. Surely this is huge for a firm founded by young people. “Farming is a game of passion, patience and dedication. It took us 2 years without getting any return but just pumping in money with the hope of harvesting one day” said the AgroKing when we asked him how his journey has been.

Zindi has always been a firm believer of collaborations and always shares opportunities with his friends and is willing to win with all. If we could have more people like him, we would be witnessing more young people winning in entrepreneurship.

Today, Partson is a recognized young agri-prenuer with a lot of award nominations on his name and company. AgroKings Pvt Ltd ventures in piggery, poultry, horticulture, grains and they are now exploring the aquaculture sector. “If we would get more capital in form of loans or grants, surely we can feed SADC, in fact Africa and the whole world” said Partson as his parting shots.

Social Media Handles:

X/Twitter: @PartsonZindi / @agrokings_zw
Facebook: The AgroKing /AgroKings Inc
Instagram: @agrokings_zw

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