Man On A Mission: Ralph Kadurira

Munyaradzi Chikomba Zindi
10 Min Read

Greetings to you from all corners of the world, My name is Munyaradzi Zindi Chikomba (The Social_Architect) from Zimbabwe and tonight on Motimagz interview we have a very special guest who has been making headlines across the arts circles with his exhilarating write-ups and various other things he has been offering to the country at large, Allow me to welcome Mr. Ralph Jonathan Kadurira, a seasoned Zimbabwean author with 5 books under his belt not to mention that he is a board member of the Zimbabwe Writers Association. He is also the founder and convener of the popular talk and music show called the MESH. He also runs a fast-growing start-up called the Springtide Cleaning company which focuses on cleaning the environment and providing cleaning services to corporate companies and other various sectors in the society.

Munyaradzi :Mr Kadurira welcome to the Motimagz interview !!! Can you please give us s brief history of your background, who is Ralph Kadurira.

Ralph J.K :Thank you so much I am really honored and I appreciate the privilege. I am Ralph Kadurira a young entrepreneur, author and inspirational speaker. I grew up in Waterfalls Harare where I did junior and senior school and I proceeded to HIT for my tertiary education.

Munyaradzi: In your upbringing do you recall certain events or moments that influenced your life to be where you are now?

Ralph J.K:Growing up I had different people that influenced my life indeed to be where I am today. I remember after A’ level I had way older friends than me that quickly made me have a sound and mature mindset to my approach to life in general.

Then one day one college mate, who was seemingly drunk and was talking about girls to me the whole time I was with him, just abruptly started saying things that got me thinking real deep and then that then influenced my focus. He just started saying, from nowhere, (he called me J.O) “J.O you’re supposed to be doing things that inspire people. This phone you have you must be using it to write things that inspire people” To me this was totally an amazing thing

Munyaradzi : You mentioned in your introduction that you are an author. What influenced you to be an author, and in your own view how do you view the arts industry in Zimbabwe in general and what can be done to add value to our arts industry as Zimbabweans?

Ralph J. K :Each time I am asked this I mention my sister Kelly, she is the one who encouraged me to write books. I had just been a blogger and had a devotional that I was writing but I never thought I would one day be an author but because of her, I am here today. The arts industry in Zimbabwe is still in a bit of shambles but I believe the time is coming when all will be in place.

Munyaradzi:As a young person in Zimbabwe growing up in a country that has been ravaged by economic meltdowns and various crises what made you to decide that you were going to a person who provides services to other people because I have seen that you are very active with charity work and helping other people to be better.

Ralph J.K :The true gift of life is to be a gift to others. Yes we are in a tough environment and it is always good to share the little that we have with others in dire need. Also no one ever became poor by giving so when it’s in our ability to help we should do it gladly despite the circumstances surrounding us.

Munyaradzi : We can’t not do an interview with Ralph without mentioning the MESH !!!. In short, can you put it in words what is it all about?

Ralph J.K :Sure, The Mesh is a fusion of live music, constructive dialogue and food. It is a network web for young adults where they come to interact and share ideas. That’s the place to be for any focused young adult. It’s a gathering of doers.

Munyaradzi: Business-wise what do you do to sustain your self? I heard you mention that you founded a business venture; Springtide Cleaning Company.

Ralph J.K: Yes I do run a training and development consultancy company and recently I ventured into the cleaning services sector. These two make it possible for me to do what I do.

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Munyaradzi:As a young person trying to make a difference can you name a few obstacles that have come on your path and how have you managed to overcome those hiccups?

Ralph J.K :As young people yes there are always obstacles that come in our way as we progress in life. I am no exception. There have been some outside obstacles like , challenges in getting proper financing in ideas, family and friends not believing in you, the VUCA economy… Etc. Also inside obstacles like fear and doubt that arise as you go…The only way I have managed to overcome all is to remind myself “Why” I started doing whatever I started. That alone keeps me going.

Munyaradzi :Ever since I have known you personally I have discovered one thing ; you are always positive and charged up. Ralph how do you keep being positive in this gruesome world ?

Ralph J.K :There is no need to ever worry in this life. Things happen to us but we should always be positive. If something bad happens and you can’t do anything about it then why should you worry? If you can act on it then great… no need to worry. Being and staying positive gives birth to positive things coming. We become what we constantly think about.

Munyaradzi :Having said all this about yourself I think I will pose the question that everyone wants. where do you see yourself in 5-10 years to come?

Ralph J.K: The globally recognized Purposeful Living advocate. There shall be Information centers and institutions built for the sole reason of empowering the mindsets of young vulnerable kids. Business-wise. Springtide Cleaning and Springtide Consultancy will be continental giants with branches across the region and continent and parts of Europe and America.

Munyaradzi :You have articulated well how you see yourself in 10 years, what about your legacy how do you want the next generations to remember you Ralph?

Ralph J.K :My life goal is to inspire people to move from survival to significance and I would love to be remembered as the man who instilled hope in people and who inspired people to significance, fulfilled purpose-driven lives.

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Munyaradzi :Your last words to everyone who will come across this interview.

Ralph J.K :My last words will be a question. “Where are you going?” I may not get to hear or see your answer but whatever the answer is, may it inspire you to move forward. Keep going!

Thank you for your time Mr Ralph Jonathan Kadurira for this awesome interview we wish you well in your endeavors and we hope that we will be able to see you achieve greater success in your endeavors. We would also like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our readers across the globe, keep supporting Motimagz Magazine the African Motivational Magazine. No one will come and do it for you whilst you are just sitting enjoying the spectacular view. “BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD

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