Dedication Breeds Recognition; James Manyika Appointed Senior Vice President At Google

3 Min Read

by Sylivia Changachirere

Who said success stories happen only to those without money? Zimbabwean-American James Manyika has made headlines by being appointed to the position of Senior VP of Technology and Society at Google.

From a high poll of being Head of McKinsey Global Institute to a reputable and well-recognized company in the whole world, Manyika serves to show clearly that dedication and love for what you do can pay along the way.

The role being played by Manyika in the most recognized web search engine Google Company focuses on how society is affected by technology as he reports to the Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

In a statement by Pichai he mentions leadership and works dedication, a clear indicator to individuals in businesses, academics, and investors that dedication and recognition come a long way in the long run of any career.

Google’s spokesperson mentioned Manyika’s role of work to be that of ‘shaping and sharing’ of how technology affects society and economy in line with the company’s view, the inclusion of future work, the impact of AI, and sustainability.

Technology has a way of impacting its audience and Google in appointing Manyika to the Tech department serves to address criticism, observation of the company being accused of being a detriment to society, and the aim to bring about a noteworthy change.

For 28 years Manyika has been part of the Mckinsey leadership, an institute that helps tech leaders, government and companies make decisions based on economic and cultural trends, in line with what Google anticipates to address, all of this reputes and above recognition to a top headed company like Google.

To add on the list of qualifiers to the qualifications of Manyika to broader effects of Tech on the world and an essential to Google’s Tech need, he serves on board of research institutes at Oxford, Harvard, Stanford, and MIT including further top-level known schools.

Adding Manyika to the leadership board not only comes as help to the company but an inspiration to all dedicated individuals that want to be officially recognized because of their skill set.

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