Early Investment Stage (21 to 29 Years) – Financial Time Line

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?Finance Fridays?

This is the second stage in the Financial Time Line. Most people in this stage are still partially dependent. The considered fact for age allocation to this stage is the fact that the majority of the global population takes an average of 23 to 25 years to graduate from school. After they graduate they start to look for full-time jobs for the first time.

The previous stage, of dependency is when one should have acquired the necessary financial education and habitual conditioning. This then allows them as young adults to embark on their financial or rather wealth accumulation journey. This is the time when one begins to earn money, making this the Defining stage on whether they grow wealthy or stay broke or even grow poor.

As you are still starting your financial growth journey, it’s key not to put too much pressure on yourself to produce ridiculous amounts of income. The key is to manage the little that you do make in a manner that allows you to grow. Rather than just spending and consuming, you should be cultivating a culture of investing and producing. Rather than solely buying services for yourself, use your money as servants that provide services to your community.

In conclusion, be open to making mistakes, they will happen either way. So why not embrace them, and grow from them instead of shunning risk completely? Remember some of the most profitable investments have a way of always hiding behind what seems most risky to most people!! If you’re going to take a risk at least take it early and give yourself a chance to recover before time comes for the next stage.

Guidance & Motivation

Finance Fridays

⚜️ FINEVI || Coach Russell ⚜️
Wealth Accumulation Coach, Certified Speaker & Author of “The Financial Handbook | Building Personal Wealth”


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