3 Lucrative Business Ideas In Zimbabwe To Invest In

3 Min Read

?Finance Fridays?

Wealth is a funny thing really. It can only be built using alternative forms of itself. The following three ideas are tried and proven lucrative businesses in Zimbabwe. The only problem might however, be the fact that they all require you to have a sizable amount of money to invest when you begin.

Driving school

Have you ever visited your local VID?? Did you notice just how many clients they can get in a single day?? Worse off if it’s the main location in the capital. Now all those people you saw, they need to be trained on how to pass their driving tests. You don’t even need all of them to have a profitable business. Even just a small fraction can allow you to make a handsome load of income. The only question is how well can you compete with other driving schools? Either than you could never go wrong.

Hiring out – trucks

Logistics, is another end of business that could never fully be conquered or monopolistic. There will always be things that need to be transported whether you’re working as formalized entity like Swift or Fedix or you’re servicing the informal side of the logistic business, there will always be something to be done. Consider hiring tucks, from small to medium size to start and make sure you know who needs such services prior to engaging in such businesses.

Buy/sell electrical gadgets and appliances

In a digital world like today’s, where people depend on their gadgets to connect and maintain interpersonal relations, electrical gadgets and appliances are becoming more and more lucrative. There is one issue however in this industry, people have already pin pointed the demand and are servicing it. The best way to service is to find a niche and provide to the demand but to find that niche that applies to your specific situation, it is always best to start of unspecialized, observe what sells best and then buy and sell more of that specific product . You can later decide whether you prefer to specialise completely or reduce risk by only partially specializing according to fluctuating demand and tech trends.

Guidance & Motivation

Finance Fridays

⚜️ FINEVI || Coach Russell ⚜️
Wealth Accumulation Coach
Certified Speaker & Author of “The Financial Handbook | Building Personal Wealth”

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