2022 Masvingo-Zimuto Investment Opportunities

4 Min Read

By: Destiny

So last weekend I trekked south to Zimuto, a peri-urban area about 25km north of Masvingo to bury my father. It had been a long since I visited the place so I was more like a tourist as I saw changes in my beloved home area.

1) Extension of the tarred road

The last time I went to Zimuto the tarred road went out of town up to Matake Estates but now it is almost near St Charles Godzongi Catholic Church which is about 2 km from my homestead. We really never had transport problems but a good road network has quickened the time it takes to go to town to about 20-30min. This means you can work or do business in town and still live in Zimuto or vice versa smoothly.
So horticulture farmers and home industries in Zimuto can access their market in Masvingo easy easy. ???

2)Lots of idle land

Eish, this really pained me. Most houses are now deserted due to the death of parents while the youngsters have been swallowed by towns. Lots of fields are now idle and houses are falling apart. And boy did the Zimutos build dem big houses??‍♀️??‍♀️. So I guess if you want to buy land or get a lease you will find it’s cheap because the supply is plenty. Big bonus, the water table is very high in Zimuto??. There are vleis and wetlands(matoro) as well.

3)Zimuto Siding Growth

So I lost the chance to get a commercial stand by a whisker??‍♀️??‍♀️ Commercial and residential stands were being sold by the RDC a few months back. Zimuto siding being near town is also an entertainment catchment area for Masvingo. A lot of diasporans flock to their home area during holidays. Growing up, weekends and holidays would bring a full house to Gomorehwedza and Mazambara nightclubs. Rumour had it that it’s gonna be developed into a growth point.Ndichadzika hangu nenyaya yacho ndadzifambira.I guess it can house some light industry as well. It used to be the hub for Golden Spiderweb years back where women would do tapestry and a bakery too. My heart is warming up to the place☺️☺️☺️

4) Opportunity For Private School

I was just talking to my homie now and we concluded that a private school or two will be ideal in the Maraire area and the farms. Honestly, these places are far from the nearest high schools and the farms need primary schools as well. There are actually 2 places that can be utilized because they have classrooms already.

5) Wild Fruit Food Processing

5)There are plenty of wild fruits and vegetables native to that place that can be processed and sold both in Zim and outside. Marula, hacha, hute, matamba, hwakwa, chechete, matohwe, tsvanzva, nzvirimombe, svita, tsubvu to name a few. Mangoes, guavas, mashuku are also plenty in these parts. Ever heard about harati???They are in the caterpillar family but more delicious than madora.

Don’t be fooled by people who degrade Wezhira???
Tisu Tine Yose


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