How Your Startup Can Take Advantage Of Digital Marketing Trends

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Business, Technology, Internet and network concept. Digital Marketing content planning advertising strategy concept.

(Ignore at your own peril)

Did you know, digital marketing has become one of the most sought-after professions in India and globally. With over 462 million internet users, India is the world’s second largest country with a large internet population. Let’s dig dip to find out what digital marketing?

Let’s drive in…

What Is Digital Marketing ?

Digital marketing refers to digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, e-mails and mobile applications at a high stage. Business builders like you have the opportunity to network with potential customers through digital marketing. Every year, you witness new and unexpected digital trends that lay the groundwork for marketing’s future. Businesses have a platform to interact with their customers and audience thanks to digital marketing. This assists businesses in more accurately determining the needs of their clients and builds client loyalty and brand recognition.

Marketing in 2022 will necessitate business owners like you who are willing to take risks, invest in their branding, and listen more intently than ever before when engaging with customers online, or risk failure as competition grows at unprecedented rates.

Here are 3 digital marketing trends to check out today:

Am aware trends are a lot out there today but today just allow me to focus on just 3 trends you didn’t know exist:

  1. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

There is a latest trend in the world of PWAs, or progressive web apps. Simply put, PWAs are app-like browser-driven webpages that act like apps. They provide users with the experience of a standalone application and can sometimes be installed as well. There are examples of PWAs available. Twitter, Airbnb, Yummly, Facebook, Hulu, and Netflix are all possibilities.

  1. Augmenting User Experience with Augmented Reality

Users can use augmented reality to insert digital objects into real-life video capture. This can be done in a variety of ways. You can even combine this with your PWA or app to improve user experience and content.

  1. Create Experiences: Events and Promotions

AR, mobile, and PWAs have all been mentioned. When you do it correctly, all of these provide positive customer experiences. Marketers remember these are 3 how to tips to avoid rushing your digital marketing efforts.

  1. Define your success plan keeping in mind the changes and time to adapt factors.
  2. Leverage on analytics
    (data insights) to define audience target and maximise effort.
  3. Understand your ideal audience buyer’s journey to have the right impact at the right time.

Pro Tip

Focus on personalized content and target your communication reflecting your value.

Remember everybody likes good news, here is a bonus for you, some of the books I recommend as a owner of a digital agency to help you widen your perspective on social media and digital marketing worth looking for.

7 digital marketing books worth reading:

  1. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook – Gary Vanynerchuk
  2. Youtility – Jar Bear
  3. Hug Your Haters – Jar Bear
  4. Epic Content Marketing – Joe Pulizzi
  5. Permission Marketing – Seth Godin
  6. The Art of SEO (3rd Edition) – Eric Enge
  7. Web Analytics 2.0 – Avinash Kanshik

It essentially just augments the real world with curated stimuli and responses in the hopes of positively influencing the real world.


Now your turn, which digital marketing trend you aware of which I didn’t mention?

Remember you should be focused on your agility, flexibility and openness to changing with the times.

It’s already a big year, so as 2023 it’s going to be a big year for advancements in technology, digital marketing tools and forward-thinking strategies.

Written By

Kuda Dube

Founder & strategist at Digital Fingers (ZW)

I am a content & digital marketing enthusiast and specialist in the digital marketing space. My focus is on digital.

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