How To Set Goals You Can Easily Achieve In 2023

4 Min Read
The word Goal with an arrow shot into the target within the letter O

‘New year, new goals’ is often the common buzzword with most of us as we will be busy trying to set new goals in various aspects of our lives. The goals often range from health, finances, careers, business, spiritual and you can name it all but in most cases as they year progresses or as we take stock at the end of the year, less if not none of our goals would have been achieved. The question is often what went wrong?

When it comes to fitness and health, did you know that the first 3-4 months tend to be busy as most people will be on their new-year resolutions and goals of maintaining a healthy lifestyle but this often dies down as the year progresses. It is however not mandatory that each and every new year you are supposed to set new goals, you can still carry on with your previous goals and can always set new ones during the year. Goals are for seasons and seasons vary in timelines, just make sure your goals are perfectly aligned to their season.

Goal getting is an intentional process that requires one to be strategic and disciplined about the whole process. In this article we are going to look at the characteristics of goals that gets done and how you can also use this to set goals you can easily achieve in 2023.

smart goals


How specific are your goals? It is very important that you be as specific as you can when it comes to your goals and can include things like:

What exactly do you want to achieve or work on?

Who will be responsible for the goals?

What steps are you taking to achieve the goals?


The goals need to be quantified and measured because if they are not you might think you are moving when in-fact you are not or you might not realize when you have had enough of your set goals.

How much of the quantities are you looking at?

What overall rating are you aim for?

The main question is by how much? This can be quantitative or qualitative but it needs a measure.


This is often where most of us get it wrong here but setting unachievable goals. Your goals need to be achievable factoring in the available resources, capabilities, current state, etc.

Is the goal something you can reasonably achieve?


Why are you setting that goal you are setting and is it aligned to your long term objectives or vision. All your goals should not be divorced from who you are or aim to be.

Is the goal relevant?

Why do you need to achieve it?

Is it something that aligned to your overall company goals, personal goals, principles etc?


A goal is what it is because of the time factor. Every goal needs a time frame on which it is to be achieved in. For example is it in a month, year or 10 years; all this need a set time. Of course your time needs to be realistic too.

With these in mind and in practice, you are likely going to easily achieve your set goals. You might not achieve them all or as per set, but it is always important to set the right foundation and incorporate good strategy. Goal achieving is also however affected by some factors beyond our control but we still have to do our best in the process too.

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