How To Finish Your Year Like A Champion

4 Min Read

As the year is about to come to a close, many are evaluating progress, setbacks and wins. It is important to not to lose hope.

To be great and achieve goals takes a lot of accumulated efforts. This may mean sleepless nights and unrewarded efforts. What is most important is to focus on your mission. Many love the accolades that comes with success. A few are willing to pay the price to get to the top. What we do in private is more important that what the world sees. Anyone can tell time, a handful can explain what going on inside a clock. Cherish what is not visible to the eye and you are on your way to mastery.

As you end your year, do not be seduced by past success. You have to keep moving . Past success makes for complacency. Champions keep working. The famous boxer, Muhammad Ali trained all night. He started counting when he felt tied. That is why he won 64 matches. Winners do not need motivation. They need discipline. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. You have to cross it everyday.

Focus on things you can control .Tie you life to meaningful goals. When you becomes serious and consistent, gravity is broken. Abandon that which no longer works. Keep learning new things and concepts. Make it a habit to socialize with people from different spheres. This allows you to see the world differently. Have you noticed how some people don’t understand the world the way you do? It’s a product of a fixed mind set. Even professionals can suffer this fate. Being a specialist is great. But it must not narrow your thinking that you become blind to other paradigms.

Take stock of what worked. Assume total responsibility. Tell yourself if it is going to happen, it is up to me. Did you know that Walt Disney started his company with a rented camera? What is stopping you? Connect with thinkers. The challenges you’re facing have solutions. You just need to question. Keep five words as friends in your pocket: why, when who , where, how. Ask yourself who can help me? Where can I use this knowledge? How do I solve this problem? Why is this happening?

Have more questions than answers. The moment you have all the answers , you have begun to deteriorate. Take purposeful action. Find a team. A team allows you to jump a lot of hurdles and gain from a fusion of  great ideas .Align yourself with great spirits.

Celebrate small wins. Do not  just park there. When you start your journey, never lose momentum. That is your greatest asset. Why do companies register on the stock exchange? The obvious answer is funding. But that’s not true. They are looking for momentum for their products and services.

Author: Clever Mavanza

Contact:0773 005 534

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