Your Passion Is Your Career

5 Min Read

By: Carl Maswoswa

The second century has become a world centered on passion related careers rather than academic related jobs. The mentality that education is the only way out is a thing of the past. Times have changed, the environment seeks an innovative mindset to survive and thrive in these harsh economic period. No one can fire you from your passion, it is part of you. People realize how important you are and value you so much for what you do. To get on this journey you have to ask yourself questions that will get you closer to your dreams.

What am l good at?

What do people say I am good at?

What is holding me back?

Will l be able to like it in the next 20years?

Do l really love it?

Clarity of purpose beats everything else when it comes to career success. Your job is not your life, do not let it define your happiness. You work to live not live to work. This is the point most people fail to realize about work. I once spoke with a renowned Personality and he gave me so much insight into this subject. Every day is a fashion show and the world is your runaway. Your body, appearance, your clothes define who you are and your voice tone can get you the millions you want.

The personality l interacted with happen to be Jefferson Muserera. He mentioned his story of how he passed by a clothing shop everyday wearing something so eloquent that someone fell in love with the way he put on clothes. He was approached by the company to be the Company’s model advertising the company’s products. Of course he was getting paid for it. We need to realize the things we take for granted are the ones which have always been our stronghold. Passion really boils down to the talents you have academic or non-academic if at your disposal can change lives for the better and bring your inner self to an equilibrium you desire. Many fail to pick it up and spend so much time trying to fix what was never broken. The answer is closer than you can imagine, it’s always with you.

As technology takes center stage in the development, convectional careers are fast fading. Who knew the postal unit would make a lot of individuals unemployed, it needs a pinch of greatness to see what will happen in the future in turn devise strategies on how best to adapt to the change. Being educated is a good thing whatever does for you, use it and inspire millions of people around the world. I have always felt writing was my career I do it with passion and zeal though not formally taught but l took risks and strides about the craft simply reading more and analyzing the current trends made me  a well versed writer. Choosing a career is no easy thing it requires other people’s input for instance the support of Coaches and Mentors to help you narrow the suitable career choice for you.

If you do not find it is okay, ask God to reveal to you and bring closer to you friends with a positive outlook that initiates you to ask yourself questions and find what you are truly best at. There is no greater agony than dying with your gifts inside, you would have disadvantaged the greater part of the world. Imagine a world without Windows, TV or a smart phone pretty boring isn’t it!

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